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Day 12: Reverence vs Relevance

I once attended a church that had a very young preacher who had a heart for seeing the lost saved.  The church tried very hard to meet people where they were and to be relevant in today’s culture.  They were great at multi-media presentations, catchy sermon...

Day 11: Yaweh Yireh, The Lord Will Provide

As I walked to the car, I prayed over and over, “God, what are we going to do? Please help us.” I had met with the director of my daughter’s preschool about our past due balance. They had been very understanding of our situation, but it was right before Christmas and...

Day 10: My Father’s Birthday

He would have been fifty-six years old today.  I cannot believe that it has been seventeen years since I last saw his charming smile, heard his deep voice or felt his arms embrace me.My plan was to use this space to celebrate my father’s life, but I find myself...

Day 9 and An Awesome Giveaway!

It was one of those moments that every mother dreads.  I stood in my friend Kelly’s driveway balancing a sleeping baby in one arm and a duffle bag in the other.  Abigail is crying because she doesn’t want to leave and Bethany has decided she is going to...

Day 8: Do You Know Him?

I posted this to Facebook today, but I thought it was too good not to post here, as well.  As we study the Hebrew names of God it is important for us to remember that God came to earth through His son Jesus.  The video describes Him much better than I ever...