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How do we find peace, security, hope, and purpose no matter what life brings our way?

The security of our hope is based on the strength of the object in which it is placed. We can have hope (n.) by hoping (v.) in God. But for many, the lens with which we view God has been cracked, scratched, and scuffed causing our view of Him to be distorted. By Seeking God through Bible study and prayer we can learn to see God clearly for who He is and find security and hope no matter what comes our way.

When bad things happens to us our first inclination is to ask “Why?” What if instead, we asked, “What?” What can I do to utilize this experience to make a difference in the life of someone else? When we use what we have learned to Serve Others we trade pain for purpose and turn tragedy into triumph.

Our stories have the power to change lives. When you Share Your Story, the lessons learned, and all that God has done for you, you give the listener hope that He will do the same for them. In turn, when we recount our stories they become like memorial stones in the Jordan River to remind us of God’s faithfulness in the past giving us hope as we look towards the future.
Recognized By

“I commend you for your deep concern about our future and for your exemplary commitment to improving our world.”
Heather is truly a trophy of His grace and now has the joy through her writing and speaking to be a grace dispenser.
Heather’s presentation was a soul and life changer. She was wonderful, warm, compassionate, and sincere.
I wanted to thank you for sharing your God-given gift of words and
expression, even when the truth is hard to publish.